
It’s Not the 20th Century Anymore – You Need Social Media!

Gova Creative

Yes, Social Media IS IMPORTANT!

We are surrounded daily by computers and phones, and laptops. With technology comes innovation, and that innovation has led to dozens of social media platforms. Each platform has millions, if not billions, of users online! And let’s face it, we are all part of this vast networking system. I know I’m definitely on social media every single hour of the day, and yes, I admit I’m obsessed with the different posts I see from all kinds of people and businesses! From product reviews to aesthetic shots and even behind-the-scenes action from businesses! Social media is a place where people can explore and expand their horizons. So, the question is, should your company make an effort to stand out on social media? AB-SO-LUTE-LY!!! It’s 2022! It’s time to join in on the fun! Let me give you the rundown on why social media is so essential for your business.


Social MediaFor starters, we need to take a closer look at exactly how many people are online globally… As of January 2022, there are approximately 4.62 billion people that use social media (Datareportal, 2022). That’s more than half the world. Wow. That’s a lot of people to impress! Not only are there so many people online, but they’re active, on average, 2hrs 27min per day (SmartInsights, 2022). That means all these people have the chance to scroll through your social media feed and get a good look at your brand to see what your company is all about. Your brand awareness must be spot on because this can make or break your chances of gaining and retaining customer loyalty. 


Speaking of customer loyalty, how exactly do we gain the trust of these potential leads? Well, we certainly can’t call every single one individually and give a “here’s why you should trust us!” spiel. According to a 2018 report from Sprout Social, 86% of Americans say transparency from businesses is more important than ever before. When you’re on social media, it’s important to represent your true, authentic self. It gives you a sense of authority to your customers, and they’re more likely to believe in you if you genuinely believe in your product or service. There’s no need to act in front of your audience. They just want a real person to follow!


Social MediaSo, there’s the full rundown! We’ve established that social media is an important tool to utilize for your business. Now what? Well, there’s creating the content, writing the captions, and scheduling the posts. It might sound like a lot to start with, but you don’t have to manage it alone! At Gova Creative, we can help you manage your social media content and find more ways to increase your presence online! We are a devoted team that will help you get more customers with our innovative social media tools. Don’t worry; we know what to write and when to schedule your posts. 


Are you ready to dive into the world of social media? I know I am! Contact us to get your social media plan started today!


Kat Swafford
Social Media Specialist | Gova Creative


Chaffey, Dave. June 01, 2022. Global social media statistics research summary 2022. Retrieved from https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research/


Kemp, Simon. January 26, 2022. Digital 2022: Global Overview Report. Retrieved from https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-global-overview-report


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